Labrador Puppy Training Strategy

Adequate Time

Having plenty of time to properly introduce you puppy dog to her new surroundings is the first step in successful Labrador puppy training. Your dog is young and naive, and has received no indication and very little comprehension of what exactly is happening to her, so make an effort to imagine how stressed he must be. 

Taking enough time to create a proper introduction for your dog will buy you considerably more time for fun together with your pet over and over again in time to come.

Food Choices

Even prior to you bring your puppy home you must get a very good idea of what would make a healthy Labrador pup diet regime and what foods are just not good for your Lab.  Similarly, you ought to have a very very good idea of how your Labrador's diet regime must alter throughout his lifetime. Have a strategy for what food items you plan to give your Lab pup as treats, remembering that a treat item shouldn't be a thing that forms part of your puppy's regular diet.  Even though most Labradors generally love exactly the same things as food treats, every dog is definitely an individual and you'll need to be ready to make some changes if your pup does not approve of your initial selection. Lab breeders frequently have their own 'magic formula recipe' for puppy meals, so be sure you do your homework and know what your pet has been fed on up to this point in his life.  Most of the things the pup comes across in his new home on that very first day will probably be completely new to him, but providing him precisely what he has become used to eating for his first few meals in his new home will mean there's at the very least one thing that is well known to him.  You are able to steadily introduce him to new kinds of food over the next few weeks.

Toilet Training

All of us who have spent any time with a puppy will realize that bathroom encounters take up a substantial part of the pup's time.  Keeping on top of the puppy's bathroom behaviour may test your determination to be the perfect owner to your Labrador.

You have to give your Labrador pup the opportunity to go to the toilet every 45 to 60 minutes. You'll need to leave an even shorter gap following a failure, but on those occasions when he does have success be full in praising him.

Never set your Lab pup up to fail by leaving him on his own for an extended period, in particular when it's been over half an hour since his previous bathroom success.


A major part of Labrador puppy training should be to make certain your Lab is safely exposed to as many different scenarios at young an age as you can manage.  Your puppy becomes considerably more of a 'man of the world' and finds each new state of affairs less challenging than the previous one.  The true secret of success when dealing with this phase of Labrador puppy training is to be capable of making your pet feel safe and sound in each new scenario. 

Experience of car travel has become as necessary for your pup as it is for every other individual in your household. Your puppy ought to always associate car journeys as pleasurable situations, so as soon as you arrive at the journey's end be certain there are no unforeseen troubles that might spoil the memory for him.


You can start your Labrador puppy training regime as soon as your pup comes to live with you.  Your pup is old enough to start out basic training exercises by the time he's old enough to leave the litter. Fundamental obedience exercises are the place to start out a pup's instruction. 

Whenever you bring object of interest into your puppy's view  his eyes, and finally his body will  follow.  Whilst your pup is lying down you can bring a favourite toy to his attention, then draw him up to a standing position as he follows the toy, saying 'Good Stand' clearly as he stands. 

Modify this method for yourself to show him how to sit or lie down.

To Sum Up

You will be successful with your Labrador puppy training when you plan ahead, celebrate your puppy's successes and gloss over his failures.

Learn the top ways to get amazing results with labrador puppy training today. Look out my labrador puppy training guide and understand the correct way to train lab pups. Just click this link to take a look at